Quiet Solitude

Oft times I feel an overwhelming need to withdraw from the chaotic world.  To me solace is solitude.  I do not require the approval of others, though I do, admittedly, sometimes desire it.  Despite the fact that we can only truly accomplish certain goals while working in the world, among the people per se, I think it is at times extremely important to be able to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of daily life.  We can use this time to galvanize our approach to life, to look within and ask for guidance as to how to proceed on the proper and most efficient course.  When we do not utilize these periods of self-reflection, I think we can become victims of life circumstances seemingly beyond our control; and such that could have been avoided had we taken the time to use our reflective inner nature for the wisdom of proper action, proper integration, adjustment to others, responses to others and the memories of the lessons of error.  If Earth is a giant schoolroom, where human beings have come to learn the lessons of universal sense, and to reflect the universality of our higher natures for the proper dominion of a troubled world, then it follows that we should take the time to contemplate our places and positions, our effects and our futures.

The power of  the visualizing aspect of mind can be amplified and concentrated to manifest great and terrible things.  As every day passes, the physical sciences are becoming more and more aware of the power of mind over matter, and the consequences of the misuse and abuse of powerful faculties of manifestation.  Wisdom is of extreme importance in this regard.  Wisdom, as a substance and a concept that indicates law in the universal sense, begins to come alive in our moments of inner reflection.  The many lessons that we have come to know, probably in the course of thousands of embodiments, are written in the programming code of our own DNA.  During quiet solitude we can, at least on some level, increase our awareness of these hard-learned lessons of life, and wisdom shall manifest itself almost automatically as proper adjustment in daily life.

Therefore, I say, visualize the creative flow of Light Energy as it moves and reanimates long dormant strands of the programming code of your atoms and cells and electrons, coming alive with Light, in the mind and in the body.  See that the animating standard, cosmic energy, which flows and livens the entire universe, is that same energy that enlightens your cells and animates your mind, your awareness, your consciousness.  We should conserve this energy, galvanize the energetic momentum,  and specifically cognize our every move, remaining vigilant every hour.  This is what builds power to act and make events happen.  Let this energetic power and momentum not be squandered due to the lack of understanding our own causatum and effect in the daily grind, our haphazard, desensitized responses to external stimuli; and let us return to the ponderous state of calculated, wise, intuitive, insightful, prudent, sophic and spiritually eruditic action.